Symbols, brands, logos, and colors can communicate so much with so little. With their history of publicly representing communities, clans, teams, and ideologies, flags are like no other communication tool. A flag says, “I am .” A flag is a vibe. A flag is intentional.
The Gadsden Flag is a unique flag: a proclamation flag. Rather than representing a community with symbology, it actively proclaims, “Don’t Tread on Me.” In other words, it says “Leave Me Alone.” Some perspectives may indicate a community forming around this shared mindset, but a community is in opposition to the flag’s proclamation. More info: Wikipedia - Gadsden Flag
Proclamation flags are common. Where community building sentiments were often assumed within religious affiliations and flags, their underlying themes of connection and service have become publicly and intentionally flown. Similarly, where flags used to represent patriotism and team loyalty, an ownership of community well-being and connectedness flourish.