Rightfully so, Domestic Terrorists are highly investigated and aggressively prosecuted. Their actions, often swift and dramatic, “appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government, […] or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.” More Info: US Treasury
Domestic Parasites, on the other hand, coerce and intimidate civilian populations or governments by incrementally eroding public services, natural resources, and/or social goodwill. Their actions, often hidden and undetectable, redirect efforts and funding to their personal coffers rather than the public coffers.
Domestic Parasites
Potential traits, qualities, and assets of domestic parasites include:
Employees on Gov't Assistance Programs
Offshore Bank Accounts
Resistance to Change
Exponential Growth Ambitions
Personhood Without a Heartbeat
Acquisition of Competition
Excessive Litigation
Tax Avoidant
Environmental Disregard
Gluttonous Consumption
Responsibilities Transferred to Public Services
Disproportionate Accumulation of Capital
Hosts may have domestic parasites if they display or experience:
Civic Agitation and Fatigue
Reduced Life Expectancy
Internal Regulatory Dysfunction
Slowed Decisioning
Expanding Income Inequality
Elite Panic
Excessive Waste
Compounding Debt
Barriers to Education